Pet Hotel
Our hotel for dogs on Long Island was created to provide your pets with a cozy and ultra clean environment to rest and relax while you are away. Our deluxe sleep suites offer 24 sq ft of pure luxury and are outfitted with cozy, snuggle worthy raised beds.
Our dog hotel guests will begin the day with breakfast and fresh water, followed by a walk in our indoor park to stretch and complete their business. Their suite will be cleaned and refreshed. Discounted rate applies for additional dogs, sharing same suite from same household.
We offer a social boarding experience. All our dogs play and socialize during the day, interacting with our loving staff as well as other dogs staying at The Social Hound. This helps your dog gain confidence and feel relaxed during their stay.
In the evening guests will be fed dinner and take a return trip to the dog park to stretch/complete their business and then be tucked in to their cozy beds for the night. You may also add on Special Treats (like PB or Cheese Filled Kong, Dental Stick, Dehydrated Meats) Tuck In Service, Nature Walk, Individual Fetch Time or a Soothing Aromatherapy Massage!
Although we cannot replace the love you give your dog, rest assured we give them all the attention and love they deserve.
Bringing your dog to The Social Hound allows them to have a great time exercising their body and soul while you are away from them.
Hotel Prices
Deluxe suite: $55 day
Additional Dog in same suite: $47
- Check out is by 12 pm (NO additional charge)
- After 12 pm checkout additional $28
- After 3pm checkout additional $38
- Any drop off before 8 am M-F and 9 :30 am SA-SU will incur early drop off fee of $15 (Must have prior authorization)
- Any pickup after hours (With prior approval/communication) meaning M-F after 7 pm or SA/SU after 5 pm will be an additional $15
Holiday Daycare & Boarding Fee
Additional Fee: $10 EACH DOG
Holidays Include
*New Years * MLK * Presidents Day*Easter *Memorial Day * Veterans Day*July 4th*Labor Day* Columbus Day *Thanksgiving *Christmas
Sat & Sun hours: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (call for special requests) * Pick ups after 9:30 am
Daycare Prices
Evaluation Day: $28/6 hrs. $38/full day
½ Day M-SU (UP TO 6 HRS): $28Evaluation-Pricing-65e87b87507c1
Full Day M-SU (Up to 8 HRS) :$38
Daycare Packages: Full Day
10 Day Pack = $342 save $38
20 Day Pack = $684 save $56
Daycare is available 7 days a week
***(See our FB page for changes in schedule)
Half Day Packages
10 Day Pack= $252 save $28
20 Day Pack= $504 save $56